We get it. Our former Great White Hope is now consigned to forever being just another Great White Hype.
So when do we stop talking about Schneiderman et al.? Why do he and other proven frauds deserve our continued consideration?
Could it be that we in the “reality-based community” merely follow the reality that is created for us? Could it be that we are irrelevant so long as that is all we do?
I fully understand that the kind of commentary we see above is what drives traffic to your site, that confirming what people already believe they know is easy money. While I am not accusing you of consciously “selling out”, I think your desire to run a “successful” web site has compromised your objectivity. Self interest is always unenlightened, no matter how hard we try to make it otherwise.
Being a progressive inherently means perpetuating today’s fraud with the hope of making it less fraudulent tomorrow. Perhaps what we need for real progress is subversives, not progressives.
Embrace your inner subversive.
Read more at http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/10/schneiderman-suit-against-jp-morgan-a-weak-rehash-of-other-lawsuits-likely-to-produce-meager-settlement.html#37FmGmxE5xBh3Zr2.99
UPDATE 1: Yves' response: